Smart Government
Dublin CityDublin

Flooding Innovation Project: Real Time Data for the Dublin Region

Dublin’s flooding innovation project started as a collaboration between DCC, Intel and CONNECT research centre to deploy 25 low-cost rainfall sensors using LoRaWAN connectivity through the Pervasive Nation project. To find a robust process to access and investigate flooding data in key areas around the city.

Subsequently, new projects and partners have been on-boarded, breaking into several work stream, while still being under the umbrella of ‘Flood Management’ (not to be confused with the Gully Monitoring Flooding project).

Project activities

Additional sensors for monitoring of water levels (rain and river) have been added since, including:

25 Rainfall Sensors using LoRaWAN connectivity

10 River Level Sensors using Sigfox connectivity

56 sensors (river, rainfall, weather stations etc) using cellular connectivity


Being able to determine rainfall and river levels, would help determine flood risk to homes, businesses, schools, and all other affected properties and persons around the vicinity.

This more connected network of sensors would help with flood risk management through taking of preventive measures, as well as safe evacuations if necessary.


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